Useless info if you dont have the utility. After researching I see they got this from an HP forum, and these instructions have been pasted all over forums around the net. I am going to copy the email and instructions below. So I need two things: How do I make a bootable flash drive and where can I locate the utility I need. They neglected to paste links or attach a useful.

and yes of course i did e mail them and instead of sending it back to them, they just copied and pasted instructions. I would guess this vendor replaced the BIOS chip and forgot to do this part, or they used a 'wrong' BIOS chip. Though I do realize of course all other manufacturers have a similar procedure, I have never had this issue. I know one of the biggest problems with replacing Apple MBs is that you have to burn a serial in or they sometimes wont work, or at least work properly. Neither is good advice for procuring them. The problem is, of course, those utilities are not readily available.